Looking for the Father's day messages and wishes for your Daddy? Then you are at the right spot. Today we have compiled some really cool wishes for our readers. A day to show appreciation to fathers around the world is called Father's Day. It is an annual event but it is celebrated on different dates in the calendar depending on the country. This day is special for fathers. Here are some Father's day wishes to wish your father. If you like, you can put it on your Facebook profile and can also wish your beloved father.
Father's day wishes in Nepali
बुवाको मुख हेर्ने दिन को शुभकामना
"उनके आदर्श है, उनके संस्कार है...बिन पीटै के तोह ए ज़िन्दगी बेकार है...Happy Fathers Day"
Happy Fathers Day...नसीब वाले है जिनके सर पर पिता का हाथ होता है, ज़िद पूरी हो जाती है सब गर पिता का साथ है.
"कभी कंधे पे बिठाकर मेला दिखता है पिता
कभी बनके घोड़ा घुमाता है पिता
माँ अगर पैरों पे चलना सिखाती है
तो पैरों पे खड़ा होना सिखाता है पिता " बुवाको मुख हेर्ने दिन को शुभकामना
"कभी अभिमान तो कभी स्वाभिमान है पिता
कभी धरती तो कभी आसमान है पिता
जन्म दिया है अगर माँ ने
जानेगा जिससे जग वो पहचान है पिता" Happy Fathers Day dad
"मैं तो सिर्फ अपनी खुशियों में हँसता हूँ,
पर मेरी हँसी देख कर
कोई अपने गम
भुलाऐ जा रहा था ,वो थे पापा"
Happy Fathers Day dad
"गोजी खाली भएपनि मैले नाइँ भनेको देखेको छैन, मैले बुवा भन्दा धनि मान्छे देखेको छैन "
"दुनियाँमा बुवा मात्रै एस्तो मान्छे हुन् जो चाहन्छन कि उनको छोराछोरी उनि भन्दा पनि धेरै सफल र योग्य हुन् "
"रुख त आफ्नो फल खान सक्दैन तेसैले हामीलाई बाडिदिन्छ तर जो आफु भोकै बसेर पनि हाम्रो पेट भरिदिन्छननि, उनि हुन् हाम्रो बुवा "
"चाहिदैन मलाई A/C भएको office
चाहिदैन मलाई लाखौ को गाडी
चाहिदैन मलाई करोडौको घर
अरे हे भगवान, मलाइ येति काबिल बनाइदेउ कि आफ्नो बाबु आमाको सबै इच्छा पुरा गर्न सकूँ"
"दमको औसधि लिन फार्मेसी जानु भएको थियो बुवा तर पहिला किराना पसल छिरेर चामल किनेर बचेकोपैसाले औसधि ल्याउनु भयेछ "
"घरबाट साइकल किनिदियेनन भनेर उसले आत्महत्या गर्यो, बुवा ले बर्सौ देखि छोरालाई साइकल किन्ने भनेरबचत गरेको खुत्रुके मा अझै केहि पैसा अपुग नै थियो "
"जो बिना आवाज र बिना आँशुको रुन्छन, उनै बुवा हुन् "
"हाम्रो बुवा रुख समान हुनुहुन्छ किन भने रुखको पत्ता तितो त हन्छ तर आखिरमा दिने भनेको शितलता नै हो"
"आमा बिना घर सुन्य हुन्छ, बुवा बिना जिन्दगि "
"जो, सन्तानको भविष्यका निम्ति आफ्नो वर्तमानलाई पसिनामा बगाउछन्ती संघर्षसंग गरेको “सम्झौता” हुन्“पिता” "
"जो,सन्तानका हरेक इच्छा पूरा होस् भनीआफ्ना रहरहरुलाई पासो लगाउछनती बलिदानसंग गरेको “सम्झौता” हुन् “पिता”
"दुनियाँमा कुनै पिताले सुखसँग जिएको हुँदैन, परिवारको चिन्ता पिताले जति अरु कसैले लिएको हुँदैन" बुवाको मुख हेर्ने दिन को शुभकामना
सन्तानको खुशी हमेशा, देख्ने बुवाहरुलाइ नमन
हरेक बिपत्ती आएपनी ,छेक्ने बुवाहरुलाइ नमन।
जिवनभर सन्ततिको हासो अनि खुसिका खातिर
डेग नखाइ जिम्मेवारी ,बोक्ने बुवाहरुलाइ नमन
1. Thank you for being the superman in my life. You always made me feel special with your love and care. Happy Father's Day Dad.
2. You have been there for me since the day I was born; I want you to be there for me till my last breath; I love you daddy. Happy Father's Day.
3. You are the most caring and supportive father out there, I know you are always here for me just like how I'm here for you. Happy Father's Day
4. I always wanted to be like you but I never became like you. You are the perfect example of strength, courage and love. You deserve the best. Happy Father's Day Daddy.
5. Thank you dad from the bottom of my heart for bringing me into this world and giving me such a beautiful life... Happy Father's Day Dad.
6. Dad, I know I don't talk to you as much as I talk to mom but I know that you were and will always be there for me. Today is your day and I want you to know how much I love you. Happy Father's Day Dad.
7. The lessons you taught me about good manners and disciplines have helped me to shine as a good person in life. You are my mentor and teacher, No one can replace you. Today is your day, Happy Father's Day Dad.
8. Dear daddy, On this special day of yours, I want to take the opportunity to thank you for everything. Happy Father's Day
9. The older I get, the more I realize how many sacrifices you made to make my life better. I can never thank you enough for everything you have done for me. I Love You Daddy. Happy Father's Day
10. Best regards and congratulations to all the fathers who love and value their children, everything you do will be rewarded one day. "Happy Father's Day Daddy"
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